FRIDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 1983: Annual Day of Prayer
SONG Chosen by Katty
The book of Philippians is not really a book. It is a letter. It was addressed to the people of a church in a place called Philippi. Paul is writing from prison, and he writes to his readers on a number of topics. Firstly, he gives his greeting and his prayers. Let us read this part now:
Reading 1: Philippians 1: 1-11 (P. 357)
English read by Barbara Chinese read by Monica
PRAYER to thank God for all his goodness and love during 1983.
Written by Larry Read by Stephen
Dear Heavenly Father,
First of all, let us thank you for the opportunity to gather together, in your Name. We are assured that where two or three gather together in your Name, there, you will be in the midst of them. Thank you also, for calling each of us into a ministry. A ministry to save those who are lost, to heal those who are sick and to comfort those who are broken hearted. This ministry, you have called us to serve you through World Vision.
As we look back to the fiscal year of 1983, we can only say, the things which we have accomplished cannot be accomplished without your goodness and direction and as such Oh God, we want to praise you for your grace , .for yourlove and for your guidance.
As we look back at the work being done in Ethiopia, Sri Lanka Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, and Kampuchea, we can clearly see your guiding hands and your presence in these ministries. Without you O God, all things are impossible, but we know definitely, that with God all things are made possible.
Thank you also, for your protection over the workers who have to work in dangerous places. Thank you also, for saving the souls of many, through the witnessing of your workers and above all, thank you for your son Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and through Him, we can have eternal life.
And Lord , hear us once again, as we sing along with the PSALMIST " It is good to say, 'Thank you' to the Lord , to sing praises to the God who is above all gods. Every morning tell him, 'Thank you for your kindness', and every evening rejoice in all his faithfulness. Sing his praises, accompanied by music from the harp and lute and lyre. You have done so much for me, O Lord. No wonder I am glad. I sing for joy.”
We pray all these in the preciousname of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Introduction Read by Vera
Today, almost everywhere that a World Vision office exists, people will be meeting together like us. Our President, Dr Ted Engstrom, has chosen the book of Philippians as the "book of the year". Therefore, many of our colleagues around the world will be studying this book today at the same time as we are. The actions we take this morning can therefore be thought of as symbols of our partnership, and as symbols of our solidarity as servants of the King of Kings.
Dr Engstrom's Letter Read by Vera
We also have a letter today. It comes from our President especially for us as we start a new World Vision Year.
Dear Colleagues:
What a privilege it is to come before the Lord in prayer, to consciously bring ourselves into His presence, to worship, to adore and to place before Him the desires of our hearts.
As we look back over the year that is past and the one that lies ahead we have much to be thankful for. We have been given the high privilege of serving our Lord in special and difficult places around the world. We have seen His hand at work. We have known His power and the demonstrations of His love. Truly, we have much to be thankful for.
But as Christians we always live "between the times." While we see God at work, we also see the Adversary at work. Daily we are faced with the reality of hunger and starvation. Each week we learn of some new injustice. Each month we are caught up in the pressures of not enough resources to do all that we believe God wants done. Each year we are grieved by the hurts that we find all around us. We continually struggle with Paul to learn how to abound in all things, to be rich and to be poor.
We are a blessed people, and yet we are a needy people. Many of us have gone through deep waters during this past 12 months. Others of us will face new testings of our faith in the 12 months ahead. Things seldom turn out to be as we would predict or as we would like. But in everything it is our desire to give God the preeminence, to acknowledge that He is Lord of all and that in Him and through Him we live and move and have our very existence.
So I invite you to rejoice with me on this special day of prayer. What a thrilling thing it is to know that during this 24 hour period the men and women of World Vision will be circling the globe with songs of praise, words of thanksgiving and prayers of petition. Let us pray for one another. Let us pray for those whom we serve. Let us pray for the strength of Christ's church and that God's will will be done during the coming fiscal year within all of the World Vision partnership.
Faithfully in Christ,
Ted W. Engstrom
Reading 2: Philippians 1: 12-30 English read by Margaret Chinese read by Barbara
Reading 3: Philippians 2: 1-11 English read by Monica Chinese read by Wilson
SONG Chosen by Elizabeth
Reading 4: Philippians 2: 12-18 English read by Cindy Chinese read by Viane
Reading 5: Philippians 2:19-30 English read by Raymond Chinese read by Judy
Prayer to thank God for all of his servants inWorld Vision all over the world.
Written by Larry Read by Stephen
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your servant Dr. Bob Pierce. We share his statement and conviction as he said, "Let my heart be broken with things that break the heart of God". Thank you for calling him into this ministry of helping the despair and the needy in this world. As a result,World Vision was born, 33 years ago. We see the growth of this ministry around the world meeting the needs of 80 nations.
As the ministry grows, so are your workers. We want to thank you for sending dedicated workers into World Vision to serve you. We saw the needs of this world as we read from your word. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, we pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
We want to thank you for your servants working in the International Office, Support Offices, Regional Offices, Field and Program Offices. With these, your servants, they are able to look after your children. We want to pray for strength for them, as they work in the field, for wisdom as they plan and make decisions, for love as fellowship together and for unity as they work together.
May you be with them always as you have promised, “I will not leave you or forsake you,” so that as they serve in dangerous places, they will not be discouraged or afraid.
Once again, O Lord, bless these thy workers and servants, as you have called them into World Vision and guide them daily as they walk with you.
In Jesus' Name we pray.
Reading 6: Philippians 3: 1-11 English read by Elizabeth Chinese read by Cindy
Reading 7: Philippians 3:12-21 English read by Viane Chinese read by Margaret
Prayer to ask that we shall please God during the next year and that he will guide us and give us ability to do right.
Written by Mr Hunt Read by Katty
Our loving heavenly Father, we know that all things are in your hands. We thank you that you will protect us and care for us. As we prepare to start a new World Vision year, we pray that you will also hold our future firmly in your hand. Lord God, we want this next year to be a good year. We pray that it will be a year in which great things are achieved, and all people who see these great things will give you the glory and praise.
Father, we ask that you will direct our planning. We pray that you will uphold our actions. We ask that we be given the insight to see your caring presence in all that happens, so that we might know you more nearly, and love you more dearly.
Dear Lord, give us the ability to see your actions in each other. Help us, through this next year, to be the right person in the right place. Help us to understand our responsibility as part of your body giving and sharing in love and kindness, so that the body may grow and prosper, and so that many people will marvel at the wonderful things that God can do.
In Jesus' Name we pray.
Reading 8: Philippians 4: 1-9 English read by Vivien Chinese read by Raymond
Reading 9: Philippians 4: 10-20 English read by Wilson Chinese read by Vivien
Prayer/Song (The Lord's Prayer)
Sing together in Chinese