• In July 1991, a massive flood hit a part of China. With some expert colleagues from Australia, I joined the World Vision Hong Kong colleagues to investigate.

    Click here for More Journeys (China 1991)


  • In February 1994, I joined colleagues John Rose, Boyne Alley and Ken Tracey to rethink the relationships between field projects and donor development back home.

    Click here for More Journeys (India 1994)


  • After the success of our February 1994 visit in India, I attempted to repeat the discovery tour with colleagues from our Kenya office.

    Click here for More Journeys (Kenya 1994)


  • 1994 saw a genocidal war in Rwanda. Immediately after being with the team in Kenya, I was en route to Rwanda. As I wrote in my diary . . .

    Click here for More Journeys (Rwanda 1994)


  • With a weekend free between a fortnight of meetings, I took my hirecar on the Californian Freeways for some R&R in Desert Springs.

    Click here for More Journeys (USA 1995)


  • At the end of 1996, I moved from Australia to lead World Vision International's work in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The region's office was based in Vienna, best location for convenient travel. I had much to learn, so after a gathering of the country directors in Cyprus, I chose Russia.

    Click here for More Journeys (Russia 1997)


  • The Balkan Wars caused "ethnic cleansing" to be demonstrated in a European context. The former Yugoslavia split into a bunch of new countries. World Vision relief and rebuilding programs were delivered in Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzogovina. Here's my diary from my first journey to Bosnia.

    Click here for More Journeys (Bosnia-Herzogovina 1997)


  • The nuclear accident in Chernobyl send at radioactive north-west into Belarus. World Vision was there in the city of Gomel.

    Click here for More Journeys (Belarus 1997)


  • World Vision in Georgia and Armenia was focused on micro-enterprise development. Small loans kick-started the emerging capitalist system.

    Click here for More Journeys (Georgia and Armenia 1997)


  • I'd been to Lebanon before. I been tutored in the complex politics and the many opportunities World Vision had to restore life and hope. Central to all this was friend and colleague, Jean Bouchebl, with whom I would now be working more closely. But first, Jean wanted me to visit across the border. Jordan.

    Click here for More Journeys (Jordan and Lebanon 1997)


  • Azerbaijan was just emerging from war with neighbouring Armenia in 1998. World Vision had made good progress in food distribution and microenterprise development.

    Click here for More Journeys (Azerbaijan 1998)




next chapter - more journeys kenya 1994